Mold Sickness: The Winding Road to Recovery

Background on Our Mold Sickness Journey

Nearly three years ago in March 2020, mold sickness barged into our life. My husband, Jason, began experiencing sudden, severe respiratory issues and fatigue. Originally, we feared COVID-19 given the timing, yet multiple tests proved negative. His alarming new symptoms never resolved, instead progressively multiplying to include eye floaters, brain fog, and rapid weight loss that stumped doctors.

By chance, I learned about toxic mold illness online and immediately suspected an environmental exposure. A home inspection ultimately confirmed extensive hidden Aspergillus mold was hiding inside our walls and under our flooring. Our house underwent intense remediation work so we could attempt to reclaim our home.

In September of 2021, we were expecting our third baby and desperately needed more living space. So, we listed our previously moldy home for sale and moved to a larger home a few miles away. Surprisingly, through the selling process, we found that the home we were selling had mold yet again!

Thankfully, our buyers were fine with it as long as we had it remediated by our closing date, which we did. We were never so glad to be out of that house!

We were optimistic that Jason would feel better after we moved into our new, mold-free home. However, that was not the case, as his symptoms continued to stick around.

The Brutal Reality of Enduring Lingering Mold Sickness

My husband still battles many residual symptoms years later, now compounded by MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome). MCAS is a mast cell disorder frequently accompanying mold cases.

His strict anti-inflammatory/candida diet and supplement protocols are exhausting and isolating. We spent thousands of dollars on out-of-pocket Telehealth visits with holistic doctors and various supplements and medications.

Our Florida climate full of airborne molds likely enables constant re-exposure and persistent inflammation as well. Simply put, properly recovering from mold toxicity proves far more grueling than we naively expected.

The Parafy Kit. A bottle of Parafy, a bottle of Sustain, a bottle of Metal Flush, and a container of Cinnabin. A key to recovering from Mold Sickness

Could Parasitic Infections Explain His Mold Sickness Recovery Plateau?

Very recently, my husband reluctantly began a intensive anti-parasitic regimen. I had learned of common parasitic co-conditions thwarting mold healing. After no progress from other treatments like prescription anti-fungals, I purchased him a parasite cleanse kit from Roger’s Hood Apothecary. I have seen that parasites can commonly be linked to stubborn mold sickness and figure we have nothing to lose!

He will do two 30-day rounds with a week of rest between them. Then we will use Roger’s Hood Apothecary’s MolDeze kit. They recommend doing at least two rounds of the parasite cleanse in order to prep the body for the mold regimen.

I’m feeling more hopeful about this route and I’m really hoping this is the key. I will certainly keep you updated (and I won’t wait 3 years this time!) 🙂

If you’d like to try out a Roger’s Hood cleanse, be sure to use code INTEGRUMLIVING FOR 10% off!

The Difficult Reality: We May Need to Leave Moldy Florida Entirely

If eliminating parasites and further mold treatments still don’t successfully resolve Jason’s illness, we accept our last resort may be moving out of humid Florida teeming with Aspergillus molds. As devastating as uprooting our lives would feel, we refuse to enable his suffering by knowingly remaining in an environment preventing full healing. There is no other option left.

Our Journey Continues But Hope Persists

While emotionally and financially draining at times, we are thankful for the knowledge we have accumulated along the way. Each tentative step forward fuels our optimism that one day his health will be fully restored. Stay tuned!

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